Supplementary Insurance

Supplementary Insurance

Our supplementary insurance will give you the security of being compensated when hospitalized for any event of illness or accident. Out-of-pocket maximums and deductibles are high, and most families don’t have an emergency fund to cover these unexpected expenses.

Doctor and the patient
Senior man with healthy products in refrigerator

Insurance Accident Coverage

No one is free from accidents on and off the job. Good accident insurance coverage gives money directly to you from an emergency to a daily hospital stay.

Hospital Insurance

We are all subject to hospitalization in the event of an accident or illness, in those cases this type of insurance will pay you directly for the days you are hospitalized.

Doctor and nurse examining a senior woman patient in hospital.
senior man playing with wooden toys at home

Serious Illness Insurance

In the event of being diagnosed with a serious or critical illness, this insurance gives money directly to you, covering certain expenses for medical treatment.

Learn about all our products and services:

Health insurance

Life insurances

Dental and Vision insurances

Medicare / Medicaid



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